Source code for BioVirusHost

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from Bio import Entrez
import urllib

# must install BeautifulSoup4 for

main_url = ""


[docs]def comp_query(host, virus_lineage): """ Advanced search for virus hosts using virus lineage and a specific host Args: host (str): target host name or tax id virus_lineage (str): virus lineage Returns: A generator object for Data frame(s) contains ( virus (species) name, virus lineage, host name, and host lineage ) Raises: TypeError if argument (host) is not a str TypeError if argument (virus_lineage) is not a str """ #rais error when the arg. is not a list if type (host) != str or type(virus_lineage) != str: raise TypeError ("comp_query takes arguments as str") # creat the url host = host.strip() host = host.capitalize() virus_lineage = virus_lineage.strip() virus_lineage = virus_lineage.capitalize() sub_url = main_url + "view/?" dict_url = {"host_scientific_name" : host, "virus_lineage" : virus_lineage } api_request = urllib.parse.urlencode(dict_url) api_request = sub_url + api_request #get the table results tables = pd.read_html(api_request) tables = tables[1] #correct the order tables = tables.iloc[::-1] #rest the index tables.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) #get the total result to view all of them total = tables[1][1].split(" ") total = total[1] #reload the url to view all the result if len( set(tables[0]) ) - 2 != int(total): api_request = api_request + "&per_page=" + str(total) tables = pd.read_html(api_request) #get the table results tables = tables[1] #correct the order tables = tables.iloc[::-1] #rest the index tables.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) else: pass #drop unnecessarily row tables.drop([1],inplace = True,axis = 0) tables.drop([4,5,6],inplace = True,axis = 1) #firt row as header tables.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) tables.rename(columns=tables.iloc[0],inplace=True) tables.drop([0],inplace = True,axis = 0) #drop rows with no ( host name ) in host lineage #get the fist name of the host name if it two parts host_first_name = host.split(" ") host_first_name = host_first_name[0] tables = tables[ tables["Host name"].str.contains(host) | tables["Host lineage"].str.contains(host) | tables["Host lineage"].str.contains(host_first_name) ] #rest the index again tables.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) if len(tables) == 0: yield (f"No result found for {host} and {virus_lineage}") else: yield tables
[docs]def more_info(v_query, email, host_info= False): """ Get more information about the virus or its host Args: v_query (str or int): target virus name or tax id email (str): your email address, required by the NCBI server host_info (bool): default = False Returns: A dataframe contains information about a virus (only) as genome type, if host_info = False (default) A generator object for Data frame(s) contains infromation about hosts (only), if host_info = True Raises: TypeError if argument (v_query) is not a str TypeError if argument (email) is not a str """ if type(v_query) != str: raise TypeError ("more_info takes v_query argument as str") if type(email) != str: raise TypeError ("more_info takes email argument as str") #see of it tax id or name try: v_query = int(v_query) #if true so it is tax id tax_id = str (v_query) except: v_query = v_query.strip() v_query = v_query.capitalize() #get the tax id from the virus name = email # Always tell NCBI who you are handle = Entrez.esearch(db="taxonomy",term = v_query ) record = name = record["TranslationStack"] name = name[0]["Term"] name = name[:name.find("[All Names]")] if name.strip() == v_query: tax_id = str ( (record["IdList"][0]) ) #creat the url api_request = main_url + str(tax_id) tables = pd.read_html(api_request) if host_info == False: return tables[3] #the virus dataframe if host_info == True: for i in range(len(tables))[4:]: yield tables[i]